Everything you need right now
Visit this page for current updates on whats going on RIGHT NOW. Get links to donation events, important dates for your calendar and everything that you need to participate in rink fundraising right here.
Business Donations
Mandatory Rink Update Meeting, Dec 9 2024
Memorial Bricks
Memorial brick sales have been amazing! This is a very popular way for both RYHA members and businesses to donate and become a lasting part of the new rink FOREVER. Once the brick is paid for, you will receive a brick google form via e-mail to fill out your message. If you did not get a brick form or lost your brick form, e-mail rinkdrive@rogershockey.com.
By Spring of 2025 RYHA needs to raise $5 million for a second sheet of ice.
What have we raised so far?
What do we need now?
What we need most right now is more volunteers get their hands dirty and help us with our goal. We have made some great headway but still have much to do. Email rinkdrive@rogershockey.com to volunteer.