RYHA Member Donations
As a RYHA member you are important to the success of the new rink. We put together some exclusive members only packages.
Community Sponsorship $100+
For a donation of just $100, you'll receive a complimentary youth or adult T-shirt and a car badge to proudly display your support for the new rink. T-shirts are available in youth and adult sizes XS to XL. Wear your T-shirt around Rogers to show local businesses how much hockey families contribute to our community!
By Spring of 2025 RYHA needs to raise $5 million for a second sheet of ice.
Helpful Links:

Siren Orange T-shirt, Youth or Adult

Siren Orange Car Bage
With a $200 donation, you'll receive an adult sweatshirt and a car badge to proudly display your support!

Mens sweatshirt

Womens sweatshirt
Friends Sponsorship $1,000+
Friends of the rink supporters will receive a Youth or Adult T-shirt, a car badge, and have the opportunity to purchase a brick for a wall within the new rink. These bricks can feature up to 20 characters per line with three total lines, allowing for dedications, humorous or inspiring quotes, or the inclusion of names—whether yours, your children's, or your family's.
There are two options to purchase a brick: online (this has processing fees) or a paper ACH form available at the RAC. Online donations can be one payment or split into 10 monthly payments. The paper ACH form has payment plans up to 40 months with $25 a month. Both options can be refunded.
Become a part of the new rink's history by leaving a lasting legacy as one of its contributors.

Every brick tells a story. Let yours be one of support and love for the game. Contribute to our new rink and have your name, or a loved ones name, etched in history.

If you're tired of long drives and early ice, help us raise $5 million for a second sheet of ice.
Talk with us →